About Handicaps

CSGC Handicaps

Members of the Callippe Senior Golf Club have two handicaps: a USGA Handicap maintained by the GHIN service and a "Local Handicap" maintained by the CSGC Handicap Committee. In both cases the handicaps are expressed as Handicap Indexes which are converted to Course Handicaps for a specific set of tees. Refer to the Rules of Handicapping, the handicapping equivalent to the Rules of Golf, for more information including the definition of italicized terms used here. If you have not had a USGA Handicap before, please read the information for new members.

Your CSGC Local Handicap Index is determined using the same formula as used by the USGA, with these exceptions:

No. CSGC Rounds Differentials Used Multiplier
1-4 lowest 1 90%
5-7 lowest 2 95%
8-9 lowest 3 98%
10 most recent lowest 4

Local Handicap Indexes are revised immediately after each club tournament (except after the 1st round of the two round Club Championship). The lowest differentials (up to 4 of the last 10 AGS) in your Local scoring record are called "handicap differentials"; they are the values averaged to calculate your Local Handicap Index. Associated with your set of handicap differentials is your "handicap DNA": the sequence of tee-codes of the ordered (smallest to largest) handicap differentials.

Tournament Handicaps

Your "Tournament Handicap Index" (TI) in CSGC home events is your CSGC Local Handicap Index unless you have less than ten rounds in the CSGC Scoring Record, in which case it is the smaller of your CSGC index and your USGA index or perhaps a temporary index. Your "Tournament Handicap" (TH) is a Course Handicap calculated from your Tournament Index by taking the rounded product of your TI and course Slope Rating divided by 113.

Playing Handicap

The Playing Handicap is the number of handicap strokes that appears on a player's tournament scorecard. In most individual stroke events it will be the same as his Tournament Handicap, but in some team events the Playing Handicap might be 95% or 85% of the Tournament Handicap or possibly some other fraction.

Player Responsibilities

Under Rule 3.3b, after completion of the round the competitor must ensure that his marker has signed his scorecard and the competitor must sign (attest) the card himself. The Committee is responsible for the addition of scores and the application of handicap strokes.

Posting of Adjusted Scores

The Handicap Committee is responsible for reviewing all scorecards for each CSGC home event and it will adjust and post the adjusted scores to the CSGC Scoring Record and the GHIN Scoring Record, imposing the maximum hole score (net double-bogey) with the Local and USGA Course Handicaps respectively. Players are urged to check their Adjusted Gross Scores in the CSGC Detailed Scoring Record after each tournament.

Scores from our Club Championship will be posted as Competition Scores ("C" scores) in the GHIN service and all other CSGC postable event scores are recorded as Home Scores ("H" scores).

Posting Errors

You are responsible for the accuracy of your USGA Scoring Record: review it periodically via the GHIN website so that mistakes can be corrected in a timely fashion. Check for multiple posts, incorrect dates, incorrect adjusted scores, etc. and report all problems to your Handicap Chairman for correction.

Questions? Contact Dick Bulmer

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